Note: The table format and content of the first two rows are borrowed from David Blei's Topic Modeling page
Link | Model/Algorithm | Language | Author | Notes |
lda-c | Latent Dirichlet allocation | C | D. Blei | This implements variational inference for LDA. |
class-slda | Supervised topic models for classifiation | C++ | C. Wang | Implements supervised topic models with a categorical response. |
GibbsLDA++ | A C/C++ Implementation of Latent Dirichlet Allocation | C/C++ | Xuan-Hieu Phan and Cam-Tu Nguyen | Uses Gibbs Sampling technique for parameter estimation and inference. It is very fast and is designed to analyze hidden/latent topic structures of large-scale datasets including large collections of text/Web documents. |
MALLET | A Machine Learning for Language Toolkit | Java | Andrew Kachites McCallum | Implements Gibbs sampling for LDA in Java using fast sampling methods. MALLET also includes support for data preprocessing, classification, and sequence tagging. |
Gensim | A Python package for topic modelling. | Python | Radim Řehůřek | Includes distributed and online implementation of variational LDA. |
Multithreaded LDA | Multithreaded extension of Blei's LDA implementation. | C | Ramesh Nallapati | Speeds up the computation by orders of magnitude depending on the number of processors. |
Stanford Topic Modeling Toolbox | Scala implementation of LDA and Labeled LDA. | Scala | Daniel Ramage and Evan Rosen | Import and manipulate text from cells in Excel and other spreadsheets. Generate rich Excel-compatible outputs for tracking word usage across topics, time, and other groupings of data. |